

Prepare Your Team for Any Crisis

ReadyAfterAction™ is our after-action assessment for real-world incidents or exercises. It’s rare when procedures go exactly as planned. ReadyGlobal provides an objective assessment of what went well and what needs improvement.

It is important to recognize that communication is key during an incident or exercise. RG will verify with your leadership teams that plans were properly executed and required communication was efficient and effective, with no breakdowns.

John Panchery, RG’s Chief Client Engagement Officer explains, “Performing an after-action assessment is an opportunity to improve outcomes in the future.”

The final area of ReadyAfterAction™ focuses on opportunities to use an actual incident or exercise as a vehicle to improve existing emergency procedures. This is accomplished by reviewing notes from an exercise, including information obtained during After Action Report (AAR) interviews. From this, RG develops and offers alternatives and solutions to expedite future strategic implementation.

ReadyAfterAction™ reports are a valuable tool to identify wins and suggested plan enhancements. ReadyGlobal delivers an independent, unbiased review of previous events, which is a worthwhile exercise to understand and upgrade any evolving emergency preparedness procedures.

Women standing at conference room table with another woman sitting taking notes.

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Let’s work together

Your employees, your customers, your patients, your suppliers, your investors, your neighbors. They all depend on your leadership when a worst-case natural or human-caused event happens. ReadyGlobal is your partner to prepare for and weather any storm.


Headquartered in Portland, Maine.



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