An official fromReadiness Associates, a Portland-based international consulting firm that acts as a full-service business continuity and emergency preparedness partner, will participate in the May 12 presentation “Navigating the Pandemic: Cyber Security” hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce of Trinidad & Tobago (AMCHAM T&T).

Vernon Jeffery, chief strategist for Readiness Associates, will join Shanna Utgard, success manager of Defendify, a Portland-based cyber security firm focused on small businesses, to discuss “cyber security safety types for remote locations and working-from-home situations.” Yannick Berneron, vice president – strategic initiatives & chief information security officer, Hitachi Systems Security, Inc., and Anthony Subero, chief risk and compliance officer, Hitachi Systems Security, Inc., will cover “digital transformation and digital trust.”

“Employees around the world are finding themselves working from home or remotely,” Jeffery said. “While increasingly common even before the virus, remote work brings its own unique set of cybersecurity challenges.

“Before this pandemic, a lot of companies thought that they had a handle on remote working practices. However, no one could have foreseen those entire companies would be going remote.”

Readiness Associates serves on AMCHAM T&T’s Private Sector Alliance for Resilient Societies (ARISE) committee. ARISE T&T is an initiative, in conjunction with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), working toward a resilient, prosperous future where fewer lives are lost to disasters; capital assets and investments are risk-informed; and infrastructure is resilient to natural and man-made hazards.

Through this initiative, AMCHAM T&T seeks to educate companies on business resilience and reduce the country’s risks in relation to flooding and earthquake preparedness.

About Readiness Associates

As man-made and natural disasters continue to increase worldwide, Readiness Associates of Portland, Maine, is your essential full-service business continuity and emergency preparedness partner. We offer solutions that help workplaces execute a well-designed plan for immediate response anytime, anywhere. Readiness Associates’ core mission is to ensure that any organization, especially health care organizations nationally, is CMS compliant while preparing teams and their families to be: Safe. Ready. Prepared.
